Before any Jannilyn & Richard offspring get too proud of their parents for the leap in technology which they have just made, know this is Starc who brought them into this cyber world. I hope and predict the couple will take some time from their ridiculously busy lives and get totally into the Blogging World, they just need to give it a chance. Kind of like Sweet Adeline or Seth, both great ideas on my part.
At any rate, I'll give this dynamic duo less than one month before they have Blog playlists, daily updates, widgets, tags, slideshows, etc. I'm turning the password over to you folks, don't prove me wrong.
Welcome to the Great Wide World of Blogging Dick & Jan. Best of Luck & God Bless.
I'm stoked I'm the first to comment on "not quite Momma and Dad's blog". I'm anxiously awaiting the riveting posts to come padres!
Way to go stac!
Look forward to hearing about all the adventures at the white house!
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